Tips For Skylights To Keep The Hot Sun Out Of Your Home

About a year ago, I could tell that there were some serious issues with my take on shopping. My wife was always trying to drag me to stores, and I just felt really out of place. One day, I realized that thinking about shopping in a new way might help me to enjoy the experience a little more. I started focusing on the positive things about finding beautiful new items, and it was amazing to see how much of a difference it made. This blog is all about learning to enjoy shopping and making it a part of your normal, everyday life.

Tips For Skylights To Keep The Hot Sun Out Of Your Home

29 November 2017
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Skylights are a pretty addition to any home, particularly in rooms with minimal windows or natural light. The main issue is with energy efficiency. Sometimes when the sun is directly overhead, the light coming into the home is too much and causes uncomfortable heat and glares. The following tips can help you keep out the hot sun when you have had enough light.

Tip #1: Add a reflective tint

A reflective tint does just what it sounds like it does – it reflects the light and heat away from the glass of your skylight. This still allows some natural light inside, so you get the best of both worlds. You can purchase a reflective film to use on existing skylights. If you are having a new skylight installed, consider investing in one that has already been tinted. Keep in mind that the quality of tinting and film varies. If you still want a clear view of the sky, invest in a higher quality tint.

Tip #2: Consider an exterior cover

Exterior covers are typically fixed in place permanently over the skylight. Their design is translucent so that a soft glow of light still shines through but most of the heat does not. The main loss is that of the view of the sky, but otherwise they are a cost effective option if the glare through the skylight is too much. There is another benefit of an exterior cover, though. If you have had issues with a leaking skylight, then a cover can provide an additional seal against moisture.

Tip #3: Invest in interior covers or shades

If losing the view or permanently dimming the light isn't the solution you are looking for, take heart – there is another option. Interior covers and shades are more like curtains or pleated blinds. They are custom made to fit your skylight. For recessed skylights you can have them installed inside the window casement or at the opening for the recess. Shades are typically made out of fabric, so you can get them done in any color you desire so they complement your décor. Your preferred cover is on the visible side, with a reflective or insulated layer placed on the side of the shade against the glass. Even better, operation is typically by a button or remote, so you can open and close them at will.

For more help, talk to a skylight cover and shade dealer near you, like SHAADS™ by Koti.